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UK Committee on Research Integrity announces strategy

The UK Committee on Research Integrity is pleased to publish its 2023 to 2025 strategic plan. The strategic plan outlines the committee’s mission, vision and approach.

The UK Committee on Research Integrity was established in 2022 with formal responsibility for promotion of research integrity across the UK. The committee works across all research environments and disciplines to promote and strengthen research integrity throughout the UK, and in the UK’s international research partnerships.

Between November 2022 and January 2023, the committee consulted the sector on the draft strategic plan. Consultation took place through workshops, meetings and an online survey. The committee was pleased to receive positive engagement and welcomed the constructive feedback.

The strategic plan has been revised and refined on the basis of the consultation. The committee is grateful to everyone who took part in the consultation as their input has strengthened the committee’s plans. View the online responses (Excel spreadsheet) and details about how the plan was refined (PDF).

The strategy outlines 4 pillars of work:

  • Promote research integrity
  • Support research integrity
  • Define the evidence base
  • Build new directions

To achieve the 4 pillars, the committee will:

  • Listen and learn from individuals, groups, and organisations across the UK’s research system and from international experience. This includes members of the public.
  • Convene experts and groups across the system to support a unified approach to research integrity in the UK.

UK Committee on Research Integrity co-chairs, Professor Andrew George and Professor Rachael Gooberman-Hill, said:

 “We are delighted to launch the UK Committee on Research Integrity’s inaugural strategy and accompanying plan of our 2023 activities. We will continue to work with the sector to drive ever higher levels of research integrity in the UK.”

The committee will be hosting a webinar in the coming months to celebrate the launch of the strategic plan.

Read the strategy (PDF) and learn about our 2023 activities (PDF).