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Enablers and inhibitors of research integrity

Part of our role is to build and understand the evidence base to support research integrity. We commissioned a review of the available published information on enablers and inhibitors of research integrity. The focus is on evidence relating to the UK research sector and the synthesis will help us collectively understand where our efforts might be best focused, and where there are evidence gaps about what really helps or hinders research integrity.


The UK Reproducibility Network, the UK Research Integrity Office, and the Science Policy Research Unit carried out the evidence synthesis by reviewing both academic and grey literature. A small number of interviews were also conducted to test the emerging findings and we are pleased to publish their report and our response to their findings as a committee.

Read the report (PDF) and annexes (PDF).

Read the committee’s response (PDF).

For a citeable version of the Enablers and Inhibitors of Research Integrity report, please see Zenodo. Read the annexes and committee’s response on Zenodo.